Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Organix "Ever Straight" Brazilian Therapy, shamppo/conditioner/oil

In Ulta, I bought a sample kit of the keratin therapy system from Organix. The price was $8 but you can find this at the drugstore or $9-10. Containing 3 oz or 88.7ml of shampoo and conditioner and 1.7 or 50 ml of the matching oil. I got around 7 uses of the shampoo around 3 for conditioner and 20 uses for the oil. Of course I used oil and shampoo sparingly.
Company claim:
An exclusive blend of antioxidants rich coconut oil along with lush keratin proteins to strengthen and soften the hair, while avocado oil and cocoa butter smooth the cuticle for straight, strong tresses, adding a brilliant glow and luminescent shine.

Might I say that's a lot of claim for a drugstore hair care system. So to recap my hair should be straighter, stronger, and shinier. 

The products:
•Shampoo - I really enjoyed it, it lathered really nicely and gave off a wonderful smell in the tub. It was very thick consistency that gave off a smell of a candle with coconut, sugar,  and cinnamon. The bad side, it has the silicones that allow shampoos to lather, and it does strip off moisture. 
I'm personally okay with shampoos that do that as long as it's followed by a hydrating conditioner or followed with a hair treatment. But do not run this though the ends because you run the risk of drying but the ends which may lead to split ends.
•Conditioner- I wasn't super impressed but it was a good way to detangle hair after the shampoo but I didn't find this perticulatly moisturizing, or extraordinary honestly I would skip on this and just use a treatment.
•OIL- This was a heavier oil that what I am use to. It can Weigh down hair which can give the illusion of straighter hair, but gives a shiny look.

My overall evaluation:
°Shampoo 4 out of 5 unicorns
°Conditioner 2 out of 5 unicorns
°Oil 3 out of 5 unicorns
I didn't really see anything in the straightening department but when I did straighten my hair it would be smoother and less frizz. But it was well worth the price since I was able to find something I really enjoyed, and once I'm  done with what I'm using I'll switch to using that shampoo.  The oil I can skip on but it was good to try out a whole line before investing.

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