Saturday, March 28, 2015

Amika nourishing mask

This is a sea buckthorn berry (Obliphica) that is supposedly good for all hair types. I received this in a brichbox; it contains 20 milliliters which is 0.7 us fluid ounces. It's $40 for 500 ml.
My personal experience:
It has a very strong non offensive scent, more like a very nice refined perfume. It's slightly reminds me of Vincent Camuto perfume (p.s it's not exactly the same it just has a very similar after smell). This product is white and very creamy but very hard to thin out to place in my hair.
to be honest with someone like me who uses nourishing mask quite often, I didn't feel a difference.  it was much like every other mask that  I have just weaker. this would work great if you were not really a big fan of the moisture mask, this is more people who aren't a huge user of this and I just trying to see if it would work for them. But for the price that is actually,  there are much better ones that you can find another at your local drugstore there are ten times better and more effective.
so overall it's not a horrible mask it's just not a very effective one especially not for people with very dry curly hair.

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