Sunday, July 5, 2015

Diy powder to cream makeup

Hello everybody, here in the USA it's summer which can be a difficult makeup season. Due to the heat the sweat can put people in an uncomfortable position of perhaps not looking your best. This is the ironic part because this is the season you are outside and more people get to see you,  but the heat and humidity doesn't allow for the best of you.
Why cream?
Well cream is a preferable constancy of makeup in the summer even though it can be used all year long. Cream based products tend to be more water resistant and allow faster application. This also limits the amount of tools necessary, which can be nice when you're on the go. This process can be apply to eyeshadow, foundations, blushes, highlighters ect.

Diy powder to cream adjustable bronzer.
1. Pick your bronzer whether it's pressed powder or loose powder place it in a container which allows movement since you will be mixing this.
2. Make sure all the powder is crushed until it's loose and easy to move.
3. Decide if you want it darker, later, or the same. This will affect what you will be using.
4. a. If you decide you want your father to be the same shade just add a clear lotion or Vaseline just a small amount, mix and add more if needed.
     b. If you needed to be lighter add a cream with a whiter bass, or a lighter liquid foundation, even sunscreen is usable. Start with a small amount and add more if necessary.
     c. It's darker, add your own liquid foundation, or a darker foundation and mix.
5. Wait around 2 minutes after initial mixing and mix again just to make sure there are no clumps of powder.
6. Test the new product on your hand, place it in a nice container. When satisfied dip your finger or or brush and spread onto bronzing areas as you wish.

The reason why I decided to do this was because I wanted to experiment with different types of makeup in the summer. This is just the most effective way to use makeup that doesn't make you feel gunky. Instead of layering so much powder, which mixes with the oils and the sweating just does not feel right.  Plus this is the perfect way to get a adjustable bronzer that is tailored to your specific needs because not everyone is tan, or very pale or dark, this way everyone can get what they need. Or turn a unexpensive bronzer into a awesome cream product.

Here are some pictures of my own cream bronzer.  I use my Au Naturale luminous  bronzer.

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