Friday, July 10, 2015

Butterflies, flowers by Yuki Yoshihara

I'm going to talk about manga. I know that this is originally a beauty and health focus blog, but I am a big nerd and manga is and has always been a big part of my life. I love reading and this crosses the spectrum from readers to visual learners. Plus it's goes to show people that anime and graphic novels/ manga aren't all aimed at children and teens. There are a lot of rated-R Mangas out there for different reasons.
Let us begin;
Yuki Yoshihara makes a lot of beautiful romances Mangas.  I can't even attempt to praise her work. She's one of my most guilty pleasures when it comes to reading manga. The style of artistry is beautiful not too cartoonish but not too overly detailed. The plot is usually over the top but in a good way and all I can say is it's beautiful, all her work is beautiful. I had the pleasure of reading alot of her work and I would recommend it for all of those people who love romance and comedy. But its not just that it's a little bit of sadness, backstory, drama, everything a good story should have. She illustrates it, creates a dialogue that's helps you see 2D characters in a 3D format.
This story butterflies and flowers is about a girl named Choko who's in love with her ex servant, who become her boss. She struggles from wealth and admiration into barely meeting ends meet. It's just such a beautiful story not too far into fiction, the way I see it, it's more like a lifetime manga. Involves; sexual awakening, royalty,  loyalty and so much more. I really think as an artist and as a writer she deserves a chance perhaps if you're more into the more modern shoujo manga look the art style will appeal to you. But if you're more of the old fashioned not too cartoonish more humanistic or as they say more of a comic look this would definitely appeal to you.

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