Monday, July 6, 2015

what is a Sleeping Pack, Night Mask, and a Moisturize

What is a sleeping pack?
 A Sleeping Pack is the last sleep of a good skincare regimen. The western states call it a Night Cream.  Sleeping packs are pretty much the last boost of nutrients and seal in all the skincare. its basically the final layer of protective paint on a wall.
 The difference is that Sleeping Packs a night cream and a moisturizer is that even though they are all similar and have small differences will be explained.
 Moisturizer vs. Western Night Creams
 Moisturizers are broad concept mainly aimed at all skin types and all ages. Its only goal it to provide moisture to the skin, where its day or night. Can contain different ingredients to target specific audience such acne prone, or redness ect. Night creams are aimed more for the older generations around 35 and older, they mainly focuses on anti-aging and hydration. They tend to be expensive, but drugstore brands like Neutrogena.
Night cream vs Sleeping pack
 Nigh creams seal in skincare and tend to be on the thinker side because of their aim towards anti-aging. Also tend to be costly, it can be a cold cream or an expensive moisturizer that is tacky. A Sleeping pack is aimed at ages 13 and older, there are ones for all skin types and skin concerns. There are thick and thin packs in creams in a large price range. In fact I own 3 different sleeping packs for different concerns. They come in different packaging and allow more versatility in taste.


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