Tuesday, June 2, 2015

DIY Hair Mask for Growth and Repair

I have recently bleached the bottom of my hair to have more ombre effect. but doing this can seriously damage the hair so this is what I do after i have  bleached my hair.

Hair growth mask
-egg and 2 tea spoons of  your favorite beauty  oil.
mix the egg and oil until it becomes bubbly. Do not use any heat just mix it, mix it and mix it.
This helps hair growth because of the egg which has a lot of protein. Protein is what helps us grow our nails and hair, the oil just helping it sink in better. This will not smell appealing at all but eggs are good at bringing up moisture.

For repairing bleach hair
2 table spoons ofcoconut oil, 1/2 banana, 1ounce of milk or coconut cream, and table spoon honey .
Mash up all these ingredients together make sure that it's not too clumpy and leave it out for 2 to 3 minutes until it becomes more of a creamy consistency.
All these ingredients help promote softness and strength into the hair. Also smells really nice and give it a few minutes.
Once those two arr already, apply the hair growth mask directly to the scalp avoiding the ends of your hair. I suggest parting the hair and then applying the mixture like a normal hair dye. for the repairing mask apply with your hands directly onto your hair specifically focusing on the ends and not letting you go farther than an inch from scalp. You can leave these on for as long as you wish just not more than 2 hours because you'd be overdoing it. I leave this mixture on for 45 minutes cover my head with a shower cap and a hat so the mixture doesn't go anywhere. Within this time I wash up everything I've used and watch TV while drinking 2 cups of green tea. Once that's over take a shower as you normally would, wash your hair and apply conditioner. you should feel your hair be very soft and hydrated.

I would suggest doing this a maximum of once every two weeks. Only because there's no point of overdoing things and possibly damaging your hair. But you can apply oil as frequently as you wish.

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