Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ashely madison scandel

For those of you whom haven't been in the loop, Ashely Madison is a website that allows married individuals with the opportunity of having an affair and for a fee "delete all transactions". That company slogan is "Life is short have an affair." Well their affair had been threaten, meaning they were threaten by hackers to reveal the all the information of all of the clients. Many people assumed they would be safe due to the delete transaction option but that didn't really delete anything just stored that information in another location.
In 1 weeks time, information about Madison users were available.
This leads to a big question was Leaking of persona; information right or wrong?

And I say no. Its not right to leak that information. Yes people where wrong to cheat, and they do deserve punishment but we cant glorify hacking of personal information. what if it had been a website for Recovering alcoholics or medical info. All of that information was privet and two moral wrongs don't make a right. if it had been sent as a message to their wives or husbands it would be a different situation, but it is now information for the public. People are beginning to link email and name, threatening those people with exposure. People are actually committing suicide as a result. So these are the facts you can take it as you will.

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