Friday, February 3, 2017

New year same me

Good morning world,

It’s been a while since I wrote anything down for someone to see,

Life has grabbed me to a point of no return.

Here I sit typing away all of my thoughts.

One goal I had for this year,

                Take it slower- One of my goals for this year was to prioritize myself.

                                I currently have a bit of loans to pay off, which kind of sucks. It makes it hard for me to care for myself due to all the external stresses of my life. Trying to take care of me has become a hard thing to do after 4 years of school, homework and jobs that required a lot of the little time I had left. I let myself go caring about nothing more than the end goal. Now that, that chapter is closed I have to deal with the consequences of those chapters which involve the realization of the weight gain, loans, the balance of self-expression, and my ideals.

                So, here’s how I’m working on it:

                                Home cooked meals: I have learned to prepare 10 decent dishes that can be made quick and easy and I buy the best ingredients I can find within my budget. I started doing this in late November and it’s been really making me notice what I am putting into my body.

                                Making Doctors’ appointments: Yes, this is nerve reeking for me. I do have anxiety and nothing freaks me out more than the thought of something being wrong with me. But the faster you do it the faster you know and you don’t have to prolong the wait time.

                                Saving money before paying the bills: This is good way to think of things, pay yourself before anyone else. You need to put away something whether it’s a short-term goal like moving out like me, or just for your own future it’s a good idea for your own well-being to know you are responsible enough to put away something for yourself.

                                Cutting corners: Yes, being cheaper does make me just a little bit happier. For example, I use to buy a lot of different cleaning products, now I keep it to only 3, Windex, Clorox bleach, and an all-purpose cleaner. Also, I only buy clothes on sale, I wait to see if I really want it and if it’s still on my mind a week later I buy it.

                                Spending time with loved ones: On of the things I first started doing was opening up my schedule to those that made me happy and who’s company I enjoy even if it meant traveling to different states or taking some time to spend it alone with yourself and do nothing. It helps the mind get ready to interact with others.


                These are just somethings that can help you out this new years to be you but just a little happier.

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